The world’s first series of action figures created by Hasbro, G.I. Joe follows a group ofheroes in their fight against Cobra, an evil organization plotting to take over the world. Inthis new line of 1/7 scale statues, the colorful characters of G.I. JOE are reborn asKotobukiya’s BISHOUJO!
This limited edition statue is based on the 25th Anniversary Baroness who was released in2008. This version of Baroness can be seen in a blue suit variant of the original actionfigure. The ultramarine blue and neon green coloration is perfect for night missions.
The submachine gun included in this version of Baroness comes in a gunmetal color andcan be displayed with the standard BARONESS BISHOUJO STATUE and BARONESS THECRIMSON STRIKE TEAM BISHOUJO STATUE.
BARONESS 25th ANNIVERSARY BLUE COLOR BISHOUJO STATUE’s base has been madewith a similar scenery/concept as SCARLETT SKY BLUE COLOR BISHOUJO STATUE andlooks great displayed together.